Square End Grain Cutting/Serving Board
Square End Grain Cutting/Serving Board
Dickinson Woodworking

Square End Grain Cutting/Serving Board

Regular price $76.00 $0.00

Now Available! Shop Now at MyAmericanCrafts for a versatile Square End Grain Cutting/Board handcrafted by Dickinson Woodworking.

With multiple woods; maple, white oak, cherry, ash, black walnut, tulip poplar and more, this amply sized cutting/serving board will make a naturally beautiful and functional base for meat, cheese, fruit or bread.

A thoughtful gift with local cheeses and a loaf of crusty artisan bread.

Pictured with large end grain board (9.75"x 13.5" x 1"), also available

 End grain cutting boards and butcher blocks showcase the natural beauty of wood by assembling the ends together. This design provides a longer lasting board that is resistant to cuts and warping.

9"x 9" x 1" 

 Hand wash Dry immediately.

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